DRM and crisis management 

Regular updates of master data and all essential company data is stored offsite in case of 

the need to implement this procedure.

Immediate action – In all unexpected events that cause midterm or prolonged interruption 

to operations, all directors and key personal liaise at a pre-determined location to assess the 

situation and decide on which protocol to action. 

Communications – Mobile phone numbers for all directors and key personnel are 

distributed to all active clients.  These numbers are obtainable 24/7 for the duration of the 

crisis.  Business email from Google already offers a completely secure and remote 

communication channel for day to day operations; this will continue to be the main form of 

electronic communication during a crisis via remote access.

Directors and primary staff – Will individually contact their clients, starting with live project 

clients and then progressing to clients who are inactive.  After the initial briefings, follow up 

emails will advise to the next steps in terms of continued operations, project management and delivery.

Secondary tier staff – Will be advised of the situation and if it is safe to return to work.  If 

not, all remaining staff will work from home.  Access to Business mail from Google will be 

possible for each member of staff, remote access to our servers will be established.

Secondary location – If necessary a pre-arranged secondary location will be set up as a 

base of operations.  Communication infrastructure for both phone and internet will be 

installed; operational kit will be brought in from existing suppliers and any kit will be salvaged 

where possible from the main site. 

Postal redirection – A postal redirection will immediately be set up sending all post to the 

new secure secondary location.   As well as our preferred courier service provider, all major 

couriers in central London will be notified out the new address, as well as all of our service providers.

Reestablishment - Once safe to do so and all necessary work to restore the original 

premises is complete, reestablishment will take place over the fist available weekend to 

avoid any further interruption to the production or the services being undertaken.

Annual review - A full review of procedure and protocols will take place each year, after a 

move to a new office, or after the activation of the DRM.


Silversun Media Group Ltd’s Equal Opportunities Policy

In acknowledging the entitlement to equal opportunities of all, Silversun Media Group Ltd 

endeavours to ensure that individuals are recruited and promoted on the basis of their own 

talents and skills. It is our belief that each individual will be capable of doing the work for 

which they are employed regardless of gender, race, colour, creed, marital status, paternal 

or maternal status, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, height, sexual orientation, age, trade 

union activity, physical appearance and class. 

Any individual found to be persecuting another member of staff on the basis of any of the 

points outlined above will be subject to company disciplinary procedure. Furthermore, in 

keeping with Silversun Media Group Ltd’s progressive nature this policy is under constant 

review to ensure that no-one is discriminated against either now, or in the future. 

Under equality laws that apply in England, Wales and Scotland, it is unlawful:

  • for public, private and voluntary sector employers to discriminate in employment on grounds of race,

           sex, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment 

  •  for public, private and voluntary sector employers to discriminate outside the field of 

employment, for example in provision of goods, facilities or services, housing and 

education, on grounds of race, sex, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation, but 

Silversun Media Group Ltd always looks for diversity whilst recruiting and working with 

employees, freelancers and other suppliers. We do not discriminate on any grounds 

however, we only employ people suitable for the tasks required.  There background, age, or 

other issues do not impinge on a decision not to employ. In fact, we actively look for diversity 

amongst our organisation as we feel that the strength of diversity increases our strength and 

ability to deliver diverse product for our clients.

Unfair discrimination: The Sex Discrimination Act 1975; The Race Relations Act 1976, The 

Disability Discrimination Act 1995; The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 

2003, and The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003.

Many of these Acts have been amended since their introduction and make it unlawful to 

discriminate against a person, either directly or indirectly in employment on the grounds of 

colour, race, gender, marital status, creed, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic or 

national origins, or disability.

Direct discrimination occurs when an individual(s) is treated less favourably, i.e. choosing 

not to employ a candidate because of his/her ethnic origin.

Indirect discrimination occurs when a requirement or condition has the effect of 

discriminating unfairly and unjustifiably between one group or individual and another, i.e. 

insisting upon a higher language standard than is necessary for effective performance of the 

job could disqualify candidates for whom English is not their first language.  Similarly, 

insisting upon an unnecessary physical requirement could discriminate against one sex in 

favour of the other.


Green and environmental policy 

Keen advocates of green working practices since day one, we have continued to 

strive towards greener, more efficient and environmentally friendly ways of working.  

This is kind to the planet and on our pocket, which ultimately is your pocket.

Lights off – It’s simple – if the room isn’t in use, turn off the light.  At the end of the day, turn 

all the lights off, monitors, amplifiers and TV’s.  To help with the inevitable time when the 

lights have to be on, where possible, we use energy efficient bulbs.

Shut down – All PC’s, Mac’s & laptops are set up to automatically shut down after a certain 

period of inactivity.  Time consuming renders go on into the night and usually finish when 

there is no one around, this helps keep the machines off when inactive and the power bill down.

Disc recycling – We recycle not only paper, plastic, glass and tin, but we also (after 

securely destroying the data) send all burnt media (DVD’s & CD’s) to be recycled into car bumpers. 

The paperless office – By utilising file sharing programmes such as Googledocs and 

Huddle we can use, collaborate, update and read almost all of our day to day documentation 

online and without the need to resort to printed materials.  This saves a massive amount of 

paper goods and ink which in turn keeps operational costs to a minimum.

Ink cartridge recycling – Refilling an ink cartridge can save us up to 50% of the cost 

compared to the purchase of a new one.  There are plenty of schemes in place, many with 

free post return bags – a company our size can use up to 100 small and 20 large print 

cartridges a year – that’s 3 rubbish bin sized holes of landfill we’ve saved right there.

Hardware – Our paper recycling company also offers hardware recycling, and twice a year 

we ship out our older less efficient machines, these are then reconditioned and sent to 

charitable organisations that make good use of them.

Jiffy bags and packaging - We used to throw out a lot of packaging, but now we always re-

use jiffy bags, bubble wrap and bags that are sent to us.  We’ve cut our purchase of jiffy 

bags by over 70% in the last 12 months just by reusing them.


Silversun Media Group Ltd’s Quality Assurance Policy

It is the philosophy of Silversun Media Group Ltd that the client receives exactly what the client 

expects. To this end, we ensure that all products are fully tested at every stage of the production cycle, 

which commences with a flowchart documenting each step – from the arrival of assets, to final DLT 

or hard drive delivery. Before the project is allowed to start, even the flowchart must be approved by 

Encoding is overseen by a skilled operative who observes the process in order to note down on-screen 

sparkle, noise and dirt as well as more serious errors. A full report of the video and audio encode is 

then prepared for client approval. In the event that master repair or restoration are required, this 

process is repeated, ensuring that both Silversun Media Group Ltd and the client are satisfied with the 

final encode. This procedure applies to all video elements in a project, whether created by Dare or 

supplied by client. 

We involve our clients as much as they feel necessary with all elements of production, including 

menu design, and do not proceed further with a project until all sides are completely happy. In this 

way, Silversun Media Group Ltd can be certain that we are delivering in line with our philosophy.

Silversun Media Group - Quality Assurance

The QA aspect of this project is extremely important to ensure that we deliver and the client 

receives the product that is expected.

To ensure this, it is important that the appropriate checking systems are in place and client approval 

and feedback systems function correctly.

In addition, it is equally important that we fully understand the client requirements for this project 

from the outset. This is a cultural requirement, which must be met at the start of the project. It will 

need to be examined carefully as we enter the filming phase.  A series of reviews during the edit 

stage should take place to ensure that clients requirements are being met, or if any adjustments 

need to be made to cater for them.

A continuing watch and review will be maintained throughout the project period to ensure that this 

issue is not overlooked. This will be achieved by regular client meetings as well as many ad hoc 

discussions. A full written record of all meetings and discussions will be kept and circulated to all participants.

At the start of the project we will agree with the client, the various approval stages and ensure that they are met.

Without wishing to impose a rigid reporting system which could stifle creativity, it is very important 

that both parties recognise the need for an appropriate communication chain.

We will never lose sight of clients’ expectations for this project and its ultimate market and will 

ensure that this project is successfully delivered.

To further enhance our QA ability we are currently investigating the possibility of ISO 9000 2000 

certification in order that our clients can be confident that our Quality Management systems meet 

the highest expectations of all our clients.





  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from work activities while filming.
  • To consult with all other persons, contractors and members of production teams on matters affecting health & safety.
  • To provide and maintain safe equipment.
  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances when necessary.
  • To provide, if required, information instruction and supervision for any members of the crew and those involved in the filming process.
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health.
  • To maintain safe & healthy working conditions.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places duties on employers, employees and the self-employed to 

ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of people involved in work activities and those who may 

be affected by work activities. The Management of Health & Safety at Work regulations 1992 requires 

employers and the self employed to assess the risks arising from work activities in order to identify the 

measures which need to be taken to comply with the relevant health and safety legislation, eliminating risks 

where possible and controlling those which remain.